Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Decorations for RV'ers

Mr.  & Mrs. Santa and their reindeer found their way into our RV.
If you have been following our blog, you know how many decorations Margaret put out when we lived in our house here in Las Cruces, and when we lived in the house in Rexburg.  Unfortunately, we just don't have the room for them any longer so she figured out how to decorate with some of our favorite miniature pieces.

We have an end table that sits between our recliner chairs.  Normally we have our philodendron sitting there.  It was a perfect spot to place these pieces.

The toaster oven sits on the counter next to the back door that we use as our primary entrance to our home.  Some of the miniatures and magnetic stick on decorations were placed there.

This Santa is not a miniature, but when we were sorting through all the Christmas decorations, I really liked it.  It is a blue Santa, and blue is my favorite color so we decided we could find a place for it.

Decorations were placed around the television.  In the house, we had 52 Santa Clauses.  We have 17 in the trailer.  Not bad, huh?

The kitchen table was a good location for the nativity pieces, a toy shop, and another of my favorite Santa's.  Notice it in the back?  When were travelling across Arizona several years ago, we stopped at a Cracker Barrel and spotted the Santa in the gift shop.  It may have actually been a back woodsman, but I felt like it was a more authentic looking Santa.  Knowing how much Margaret liked Santa's, I purchased for her (me?).

Here is a close-up of him.  He is pretty neat, don't you think?  Of course he is not miniature either, but we can find a place to store him from one Christmas to the next.

The valance above the kitchen window of the slide out are graced by three beautiful Santa's.

The back of seat for the kitchen table was a nice place for this Santa.

I was attempting to get a close-up of the toy shop.  You can see our nutrition box off to the side on the seat of the kitchen table.  The spider plant usually sits where the Christmas tree is sitting.  The plants don't mind.  They get plenty of light.  After Christmas they will be returned to their customary place.

We placed a small wreath and a bell ornament above the door on the inside.

Another larger wreath was hung on the outside of the trailer.  We taped blue Christmas lights around the windows, and turn on one of those devices that project multi-colored lights so that the entire side of the trailer is lit up at night.  Not exactly Nation Lampoons Christmas Vacation, but it is the best we can do.

I hope you have enjoyed this tour of Christmas decorations for RV'ers.

My next post will be of all the decorations we usually put out that are now in storage.  

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